Nätterna utan dig
Im glad you´re mine
I woke up in the middle of the night
i turned around
and you just laid there and sleeping
then i know that i'm not alone
in the dark and the cold
I crawling to you and hold you
tight to my body
I whisper in your ear
"I Love you"
and a tear is falling down
I want to wake you up
but i love to see you sleep
you look so peacefull
i need to go up
and drink some water
but i'm afraid to wake you up
En dikt
Afraid to loose you
I said that i want
to take things slow
but my heart says
something ealse
but the fear taking over
I dont want to push
you in to something
you are not ready for
im afraid to loose you
I said that i want
you to open up for me
but im afraid
to see your hole soul
but my love for you
are stronger than fear
I dont want to push
you in to something
you are not ready for
im afraid to loose you
I said that
i going to change
but i´m afraid
that i´m going to
push you away
with my thoughts
I dont want to push
you in to somenthing
you are not ready for
im afraid to loose you
Det är lite kladd på en låt jag har försökt att skriva, men den ska finslipas på. Älskling ska hjälpa mig lite med texten och han ska självklart fixa musiken ;)
Denna får inte kopieras!!
just for the moment
the trees are white
and sparkling
the ground i´m walking on
is white
it is a dark season
but the snow lights it up
They took my life
my self-confidence,
my happines,
my trust in other people
Before i wished they were dead
but not now
now they are just a shadow for me
and when they are coming
into my thoughts
i can just blow them away
They lose, I win
Im glad you´re mine
i turned around
and you just laid there and sleeping
then i know that i'm not alone
in the dark and the cold
I crawling to you and hold you
tight to my body
I whisper in your ear
"I Love you"
and a tear is falling down
I want to wake you up
but i love to see you sleep
you look so peacefull
i need to go up
and drink some water
but i'm afraid to wake you up
I'm lying here and hear you
breathing and feel your warm body
against mine
and finally i fall asleep
lite smått sådär. inte klar dock :P hihi
Vart är du ?
jag ser dig inte
jag känner inte
din kropp
jag känner inte
din doft
vart är du
när jag behöver
din kärlek
jag börjar le
du kommer fram till mig
mitt hjärta börjar dunka fortare
du tar i mig
mitt hjärta stannar
du håller om mig
jag känner mig trygg..
lurad av alla
Folk luger
Folk sårar
Dom är överallt
dom kommer in
in i mitt liv
även fast jag gömmer mig
Jag känner mig lurad
lurad av världen...
Älskar dig syrran och jag kommer alltid finnas här för dig!
To My Sister
I never realized how you felt.
I was too caught up in my own problems
- My own pain.
I wish I could have been there for you,
But I’m here for you now.
Whenever you want to talk, I’m here.
I can’t tell you how glad I am
That you are feeling better.
How glad I am to see you smile again.
I used to think that you hated me
And that you were ashamed of me.
Maybe you thought the same about me.
I want you to know that I
Never for one moment hated you.
I think we both were too blinded by the pain
To see the truth.
Too blinded to see
That there were actually people who cared about us.
I will always be your sister
And I will always be there.
- Forever and ever.